California Trusts and Estates

California Trusts and Estates

Creating and managing your estate during your lifetime may mean building your wealth, acquiring real estate, building up your family, and managing a wide variety of good deeds and charitable giving opportunities. You deserve to protect what you have worked to create. At ThornCrest Law, we work closely with our clients to create a trust and estate plan that addresses their specific goals and needs.

A California trust may help you to reduce costs when transferring property to your heirs. It may also give you the ability to pass on funds to your family members with a few restrictions to help safeguard your rights and minimize the risk of your hard work going for nothing.

We also work to create and manage estate plans over time. These include a wide range of legal provisions you can take to protect your rights during your lifetime as well as after your death. Allow our attorney to guide you in learning what your rights are so you can be as aggressive as you need to be to protect your assets and your long-term legacy.

Contact ThornCrest Law to learn more about our California trusts and estate services. We operate out of San Diego, CA.

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